A Bird a Day
Five days a week, for some or all of 2020, I'll post a painting of a bird on my blog, (carriejacobson.blogspot.com), on this page, on my Facebook A Bird A Day page and maybe even on Instagram.
The paintings will range in price from $35 to $500, with most being $68. All prices will include shipping. Paintings that don't sell online within a week might be available in my booth at shows, possibly at higher prices.
Sales will take place via PayPal, or you can contact me by email (carrieBjacobson@gmail.com), or phone/text at 860-442-0246, to pay by check or cash, or make some other arrangement.
To see today's bird, please visit carriejacobson.blogspot.com. And thank you for participating in A Bird A Day!
BELOW, a gallery of bird paintings that have sold