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A Year on the Marsh

My 2023 project is a big challenge to myself - to create 365 images of the marsh over the course of the year.


I embark on this project with passion and excitement and also anxiety - wondering if I can pull this off!

You can see the full pieces by clicking on them - and there, you can find the Buy Now button! You can also find these pieces, along with other available paintings, in my Shop. Shipping is included unless otherwise specified. 

April - coming soon


March 1 - Marsh Grass framed

March 1 - Marsh Grass - framed. Contact for pricing.

March 2 - Heron

March 2 - Heron. 5x7. $68

March 3 - Canadians

March 3 - Canadians. 11x14. $250.

March 4 - Willis Wharf

March 4 - Views on Willis Wharf, Virginia. 5x7. $68

March 5 - Geese Abstract

March 5 - Geese in abstract. 5x7. $68.

March 6 - Crow

March 6 - Crow. 5x7. $68.

March 7 - Marsh High Tide

March 7 - Marsh High Tide. 5x7. $68.

March 8 - Marsh Sunset

March 8 - Marsh Sunset. 5x7. $68.

March 9 - Geese

March 9 - Geese. 5x7. $68.

March 10 - Willis Wharf

March 10 - Willis Wharf. 5x7. $68.

March 11 - From Above

March 11 - From Above. 6x6. $68.

March 12 - Marsh Dogs

March 12 - Marsh Dogs. 5x7. $68.

March 13 - Thinking of Spring

March 13 - Thinking of Spring. 5x7. $68.

March 14 - Canadian Convention

March 14 - Canadian Convention. 5x7. $68

March 15 - Sunrise on the Marsh

March 15 - Sunrise on the Marsh. 6x6. $68

March 16 - Skimmers

March 16 - Skimmers. 11x14. $300

March 17 - Heron in Autumn

March 17 - Heron in Autumn. 6x6. $68.

March 18 - More Skimmers

March 18 - More Skimmers. 6x6. $68.

March 19 - Purple Clouds

March 19 - Purple Clouds. 5x7. $68.

March 20 - Red Boat, Pink Morning

March 20 - Red Boat, Pink Morning. 5x7. $68.

March 21 - Snow Geese Rising

March 21 - Snow Geese Rising. 12x48. Contact for pricing.


Feb 1 - Orange Marsh

Feb. 1 - Orange Marsh. A warm winter sunset lighted up the grass on the marsh here in Wachapreague. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping.

Feb 2 - Spy Boat

Feb 2 - Spy Boat. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. I believe this boat belongs to a man who - according to town gossip - was a spy for the CIA. All that might be baloney, though!

Feb 3 - Marsh Grasses

Feb 3 - Marsh Grasses, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. The wind and weather - and maybe dogs? - bend the grass at the edge of the marsh in cool patterns.

Feb 4 - More Marsh Grass

Feb 4 - More Marsh Grass, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68. A closer look at the pattens and tangles of the grass at the edge of the marsh here in Wachapreague.

Feb 5 - Oyster Rocks

Feb 5 - Oyster Rocks, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. Even the slightest morning light catches the flat surfaces of the rocks at the edge of the marsh.

Feb 6 - Oyster Rocks

Feb 6 - Oyster Rocks, oil on black canvas 5x7, $68. Oyster colonies attach themselves to rocks throughout the bay, and their bulk and mass help stave off erosion of the barrier islands that protect Wachapreague

Feb 7 - Boat at High Tide

Feb 7 - Boat at High Tide, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. This small boat sits at the end of the old commercial pier, and rides the tides up and down. A neighbor has bought the old marina, and we all hope he will restore it to its former glory!

Feb 8 - Boat at High Tide Vertical

Feb 8 - Boat at High Tide, Vertical. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68.

Feb 14 - Gull

Feb 14 - Gull, oil on black canvas, 6x6, $75 including shipping. Who doesn't love a gull?

Feb 16 - Accomack Marsh

Feb 16 - Accomack Marsh, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68. Hard to stop and paint this marsh, on the Drummondtown Road near Accomack, but a picture works well.

Feb 17 - SC Marsh

Feb 17 - South Carolina Marsh, oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. It's great that people have started sending me pictures of marshes they love. This painting is based on a photo from a collector near Beauford, SC


Jan. 1 Morning Marsh 11x14, $275

Jan. 1, the painting that started it all. Oil on black canvas, 11x14, $275 including shipping.

Jan 2 5x7 $68

Jan. 2. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. A gray morning on the marsh, with sunrise just touching the tips of the reeds.

230103 marsh Jan 3 5x7 $68

Jan. 3, Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping. A bright, gorgeous dawn.

230104 Marsh Jan 4 heron 11x14 $250

Jan. 4. Our resident heron. SOLD

Jan. 5

Jan. 5, Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68. A glancing afternoon light brightened the marsh this day.

A Marsh A Day

Jan. 7. Heron on Piling, oil on black canvas, 6x42, $450.

230108 Marsh jan 8 geese by the stream 8x8 $ $100

Jan. 8. Oil on black canvas, 8x8, $100. Canada geese gather at the edge of a channel at low tide.

Jan. 6 Heron. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68

Jan. 6. Heron. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68

Jan. 9

Jan. 9. Oil on black canvas, 8x8, $100. The sun burns through a low cloud bank and colors the morning sky.

Jan. 10

Jan. 10. Boat by the dock. Oil on black canvas, 5x7, ,$68

Jan. 11 - Orange Sunset, 6x42, $450

Jan. 11, oil on black canvas, 8x42, $450. The sun shone orange through the loblollies at the edge of the marsh one afternoon in January, here in Wachapreague.

Jan. 12

Jan. 12. Oil on black canvas. Grey Day on the Marsh

Jan. 13

Jan. 13. Oil on black canvas. Whelk and whelk shells abound on the marsh and line gardens and walkways here on the Shore.

Jan. 14 Vivid Sunset

Jan. 14 Oil on black canvas, 5x7, $68 including shipping

Jan. 15 Storm over the Marsh

Jan. 15 Storm over the Marsh. Oil on black canvas, 10x48, $790 plus shipping.

Jan. 16 Felted Wool Marsh

Jan. 16 Felted Wool Marsh. Unframed, unbacked, about 10x12. $45 including shipping

Jan. 17 - Marsh Sunrise

Jan. 17 - Marsh Sunrise, oil on black canvas, 8x10, $135 plus shipping

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